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Electricians' Tool Box

Service Order Information

In order to initiate a new service order, please contact our Customer Contact Center with the physical address of the location where work is to be completed. If the order is for new construction, the homeowner will need to place the first call and apply for service. Once a new service order has been established, any changes or requests for information can be made by calling our Customer Coordinator. Once you are ready to schedule the service order, contact Central Dispatch to schedule a time and date for your service. Please reference the quick look-up table below for contact information for each step of the process.

New OrderCustomer Contact Center

1-855-363-7211 (1-855-363-7211)

Existing OrderCustomer Coordinator207-973-2599
Fax: 207-973-2970
Schedule an OrderCentral Dispatch207-973-2660


Service Order Forms

Load Sheets
    Bangor Hydro District
    Maine Public District
Subdivision/Shoreland Authorization Form 
Certificate of Electrical Inspection 
Private Line Agreement 

Additional Links

Construction Standards
District Service Standards
Versant Power Terms and Conditions of Service
Versant Power Safety Manual