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Distribution & Interconnection Process

Level 1 Interconnection Application Levels 2-4 Interconnection Application

DG Process Updates and General Notifications

As of January 23, 2025, Level 2 Additional Reviews will increase from $500 to $1,000. This increase reflects actual cost of the review. 

Effective as of December 11, 2024, the Maine Public Utilities Commission established a $40.00 “Interconnection Ombudsman Fee”. For your application to be considered complete, please submit this fee in addition to the Interconnection Application fee. 

* Please send all related inquiries to:

Distributed Generation Interconnection Process

For more information visit the DG page in the MPUC site: Distributed Generation (DG) | MPUC

Introduction to Distributed Generation
Small scale generating technologies (e.g. solar, wind, CHP, hydro or newer technologies) that are connected to the electric power grid are identified as Distributed Generation (DG). DG systems allow customers to produce some or all of the electricity they need. The electricity a customer uses (e.g. for HVAC, consumer electronics, lights) is their electric load. By generating a portion or all of the electricity a customer uses, the customer can effectively reduce their electric load.

In general, DG systems produce power for the buildings which the systems are connected to (e.g. solar panels on a home or business). Renewable DG systems are able to provide power with minimal impact on the environment. However, most renewable DG systems only produce power when their energy source, such as wind or sunlight, is available. Due to the intermittency of the power supply from DG systems, there may be times when the customer needs to receive electricity from the utility company’s electric grid. When a DG system produces more power than the customer’s load, excess power is sent back to the utility company’s electric grid. This reduces the overall load that the utility company needs to supply.
Interconnection Rules and Procedures
The Maine Public Utilities Commission has issued rules and procedures for Small Generator Interconnections under Chapter 324.  These rules and procedures establish statewide standards for the interconnection of small renewable energy facilities to the energy grid.  The purpose of these rules and procedures is to increase the efficiency of the interconnection process and encourage the increased use of renewable energy and distributed generation. Please refer to the MPUC's Chapter 324, Small Generator Interconnection Standards for more information.
Levels of Interconnection Facilities

Level 1- Certified, Inverter-Based Generating Facilities Not Greater than 25 kW (i.e. Rooftop solar). The T&D Utility shall adopt procedures in accordance with § 9 of Chapter 324 for this level of review.

Level 1 Documents Required for Application Completeness:

  1. Site Plan (recommended)
  2. Single Line Diagram
  3. Interconnection Application
  4. NEB Application
  5. Inverter Datasheet
  6. Inverter Certificate of Compliance
  7. Module Datasheet
  8. ESS Form (if needed)


Level 2 - For certified generating facilities that pass certain specified screens and have a power rating of two megawatts (2MW) or less. The T&D Utility shall adopt procedures in accordance with § 10 of Chapter 324 for this level of review.

Level 2 Documents Required for Application Completeness

  1. Site Control (if needed)
  2. Site Plan/ Single Line Diagram
  3. Interconnection Application
  4. NEB Application
  5. Inverter Datasheet
  6. Inverter Certificate of Compliance
  7. Module Datasheet
  8. ESS Form (if needed)


Level 3 - For certified generating facilities that: (a) pass certain specified screens; (b) do not export power beyond the Point of Common Coupling; and (c) have a power rating of ten megawatts (10MW) or less. The T&D Utility shall adopt procedures in accordance with § 11 for this level of review.

Level 3 Documents Required for Application Completeness

  1. Site Control (if needed)
  2. Site Plan/ Single Line Diagram
  3. Interconnection Application
  4. NEB Application
  5. Inverter Datasheet
  6. Inverter Certificate of Compliance
  7. Module Datasheet
  8. ESS Form (if needed)


Level 4 - For all generating facilities that do not qualify for Level 1, Level 2 or Level 3 interconnection review processes, and are not subject to the jurisdiction of FERC. The T&D Utility shall adopt procedures in accordance with § 12 for this level of review.

Level 4 Documents Required for Application Completeness

  1. Site Control
  2. Site Plan/ Single Line Diagram
  3. Interconnection Application
  4. NEB Application
  5. Inverter Datasheet
  6. Inverter Certificate of Compliance
  7. Module Datasheet
  8. ESS Form (if needed)



Application Fees



Nameplate Rating

Application Fee

 Cost Share Fee

Level 1

Inverter-Based Generators Not Greater than 25KW



Level 2

Generators Not Greater than 2MW

$100 plus $2.00/KW


Level 3

Non-Exporting Generators Not Greater than 10MW

$100 plus $3.00/KW


Level 4

All Generators Not Subject to FERC Jurisdiction

$3,000 plus $500 change fee



Domestic Incoming Wires:

• Customers should provide the bank sending the wire transfer with the following bank Information: 

Wire To: TD Bank

Wilmington, Delaware

ABA#: 031101266

Credit to: Versant Power



International Incoming Wires:

• Incoming US Dollar (USD) Wire Instructions are as follows: 


Wire to: TD Bank, N.A.

Wilmington, Delaware

ABA#: 031101266

Credit to: Versant Power

970 Illinois Ave.

Bangor, ME 04401



Incoming ACH Instructions:

ACH Account: 2427289035

Routing ABA: 211274450


Please see mailing address below for checks:

Versant Distributed Generation

PO BOX 16005

LEWISTON ME 04243-9582


Cost Responsibility

Cost Responsibility – Please reference CH324 for more detail

Level 1: Utility covers $5,000 of System Upgrades Estimate, applicant is responsible for difference.

Level 2: Utility covers $10,000 of System Upgrades Estimate, applicant is responsible for difference.

Pre-Application Process
Some Applicants may request a pre- application report prior to submitting an interconnection application. This option allows for the applicant to verify current substation and transformer capacity prior to submitting a full application for review. The Pre-Application Report will include any key limiting factors, load to gen ratio expectations, and stiffness. This option also provides confirmation of the elected circuit being on either a Transmission or Distribution line. The review takes 15 business days, and the results of this report will be included in your application package. To initiate your application, click here: Versant Power Pre-Application Report Request.
Distribution Interconnection Queue

Distribution Interconnection Queue

The Queue Position of each Interconnection Request will be used to determine the order of interconnection review in those circumstances where one pending interconnection application could affect the analysis of other pending interconnection applications as well as any cost responsibility for the facilities necessary to accommodate the generator interconnection. Queue Position is based on the date of receipt of a completed application.

For projects in northern Maine, please review NMISA's Market Rules to learn requirements for interconnections and scheduling

New Inverter Source Requirement

All inverter-based applications shall be certified per the requirements of UL 1741 SB as a grid support utility interactive inverter.

Applications shall have the voltage and frequency trip points specified in Tables I and II of the Requirement Document (below).

The inverters shall have the ride-through capability per abnormal performance category II of IEEE Std 1547-2018 (2nd ed.) as quoted in Tables III and IV of the Requirement Document.

Other functions required by UL 1741 SB shall comply with the requirements specified in Table V of the Requirement Document. For functions not activated by default, the inverter is compliant if tested to the manufacturers stated capability.

Level 1 Forms and Documents

Level 1 Interconnection Application

Levels 2-4 Forms and Documents

  Levels 2-4 Interconnection Application

Additional Interconnection Forms and Documents

Additional Resources

Please additionally submit a CNEBA Application with your level 1-4 application material. Additional NEB Agreements and related information are found here

Related Information:

Selling Energy

Net Energy Billing Information (Chapter 313)

Small Generator Aggregation Option

Transmission system generator interconnections ARE under FERC jurisdiction and are administered by ISO New England (Bangor Hydro District) or Northern Maine ISA (Maine Public District). If you are unsure whether your application is under FERC jurisdiction, you may submit a Pre Application here.

Maps of Transmission Circuits - indicating FERC jurisdiction

The procedures and application forms are provided in Chapters 22 and 23 of the ISO New England Open Access Transmission Tariff (OATT) and are located on the ISO website at

The technical requirements and submittal directions are described in

Information on the Versant Power transmission network can be found at:

OASIS & Transmission information

Transmission System

Contact Versant Power for inquiries

To speak with a customer representative, call us at 1-855-363-7211 or send us an email at