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Residential Rate Schedules

The pages of the Versant Power Bangor Hydro District’s rate book in Adobe PDF Format.

All Current Rates
A Residence Service Rate
A-1  Home Eco Rate with Bonus Meter
A-2 Residence Water Heating Rate
A-4 Residence Service Rate - Time of Use
A-20 Residential Space Heating Service Rate
B-1  General Service Rate
B-2 Commercial Space Heating Service Rate
B-3 Commercial Space Heating Service Rate - Separately Metered Heating Loads
B-4 Commercial Water Heating Rate
B-5 Business Eco Rate – Separate Meter
M-2 Medium Power Rate - Secondary
SB-S3 Standby Rate 30 - Secondary
SB-S5 Standby Rate 50 - Secondary
M-1 Medium Power Rate - Primary
SB-P3 Standby Rate 30 - Primary
SB-P5 Standby Rate 50 - Primary
D-4 Primary Power Large Rate - Time of Use
SB-L3 Standby Rate 30 - Large
SB-L5 Standby Rate 50 - Large
T-1 Transmission Power Rate
PTZ Pine Tree Zone Rate
G-1 Street and Area Lighting
G-3 Municipal Street Lighting
LE Line Extenstion

Please Identify Your Service Area

Click on your district on the map, or select a zip code or town from the lists.

Select Your District on the Map Below

Maine Public Service District Bangor Hydro District


Versant Power provides electric delivery service to two areas – the Bangor Hydro District and the Maine Public District.

            The Bangor Hydro District includes Hancock, Piscataquis and Washington Counties and most of Penobscot County.
            The Maine Public District serves Aroostook County and a small piece of Penobscot County.

Because some information varies by District, please identify your District on the map above, or enter your town or zipcode. If you need information on both Districts,  switch back and forth at any time by selecting the district selector button.

If the browser you are using has cookies enabled, you will only have to make this selection once.( If your browser has cookies disabled your selection will be remembered until you close the browser, but not when you return to the site.)