Work begins to prepare for electrical cable to Sutton Island

Mount Desert- Beginning this week, Versant Power will work in Mount Desert to prepare to lay a new electrical cable to Sutton Island. During certain parts of construction, one lane will be closed along Route 3/Peabody Drive west of Bracy Cove. Vehicles will still be able to pass, though there may be short delays for approximately two weeks.
The new cable will lie on the seabed and will not be buried. However, it needs to be trenched in at the shore locations on MDI and Sutton Island for protection. Lane closures over the next few weeks are due to trenching work, which will include using a rock hammer where ledge is detected and traditional bucket machinery to excavate where ledge is not present.The Sutton Island undersea electric cable has been damaged over the years due to movement on the rocks caused by waves and tidal action and needs to be replaced to ensure reliable and safe service to islanders.
The new cable contains electrical conductors as well as a fiberoptic cable that can transmit internet connectivity to the island. Local companies have been hired for construction work as well as Rockland-based company Prock Marine, who will lay the cable later this year.
Similar cables were installed to Swan’s Island and Islesford last year. More updates will be available as the project progresses. For the latest Versant Power news, please visit
Versant Power is committed to delivering safe, reliable electric service. As the state's second-largest electric utility, the company delivers electricity to more than 165,000 residential, commercial and industrial customers across 10,400 square miles in five counties in eastern and northern Maine.