Versant Power to host virtual and community meetings on grid and climate planning

BANGOR and PRESQUE ISLE, Maine -- As Versant Power conducts in-depth grid and climate planning processes, as directed by recent legislation and the Maine Public Utilities Commission, LD 1959, An Act Regarding Utility Accountability and Grid Planning for Maine’s Clean Energy Future, individuals and communities are encouraged to consider opportunities to hear updates and offer feedback.
Community meetings
The first series of community meetings will be held throughout Hancock County and will focus on the following topics:
- Who is Versant Power, and what is the utility’s role in grid and climate planning?
- What are the grid and climate planning processes, and how do they affect me?
- How do I get more involved and/or offer feedback?
Versant Power staff will be available to discuss any energy issues of interest. All feedback will be documented and considered as part of Versant Power’s grid planning process. Surveys also will be shared to help Versant Power understand and document individuals’ specific concerns and areas of interest.
Those who are interested in attending must RSVP at to receive pre- and/or post-event surveys, ensure sufficient space is available, and receive updates if the event must be moved or postponed. Please include your intended meeting location in the email’s subject line (DI/Stonington, Ellsworth, Bar Harbor or Blue Hill).
DEER ISLE/STONINGTON: 6 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 25, Stonington Town Hall (second floor)
Following 4 p.m. community update on Energy Transitions Initiative Partnership Project (ETIPP)
ELLSWORTH: 6 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 1, Council Chambers, City Hall, 1 City Hall Plaza
BAR HARBOR: 6 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 8, Location TBA
BLUE HILL: 6 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 15, Location TBA
Additional meetings will be scheduled throughout Versant Power’s service territory in northern and eastern Maine.
Climate Change Planning
Versant Power has created its first Climate Change Resilience Plan and now is working with an expert consulting firm to conduct a Climate Vulnerability Assessment. We will provide regular public updates on this process beginning this month and continue engaging with communities throughout our service territory to better understand their needs and concerns.
An introductory meeting on Versant Power’s Climate Vulnerability Assessment will be held 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Monday, Sept. 30, via Microsoft Teams. Please RSVP at for a link, with the words “Climate Plan” in the subject line.
Integrated Grid Planning Updates
During the statutory 18-month timeline for development of Versant Power’s grid plan, we will hold virtual meetings with stakeholders to share information, gather feedback, and ensure a range of perspectives are heard and considered, including, at a minimum, discussions at these distinct stages:
- When we have inputs to run electricity models
- When our needs assessment is complete
- When potential solutions have been identified
We will share meeting information – including via email and on the grid and climate page on our website – and encourage interested members of the public and stakeholders to attend and provide feedback.
You can also look for updates and materials or sign up for our newsletter at Versant Power’s Grid and Climate Planning page. Meeting materials will be posted here, and feedback will be accepted at
Versant envisions a future electric grid that operates safely and reliably, enables a fully decarbonized energy supply, facilitates the deployment of significant distributed energy resources and beneficial electrification technologies, leverages cost-effective solutions, and does all this while maintaining affordability for our customers.
Our goal for grid planning is to identify opportunities for “no regrets” investments that empower customer choice of modern, low-carbon technologies and are aligned with Maine's state policy goals. We are committed to collaborating with the communities we serve and other stakeholders to ensure Maine's electric grid is resilient, reliable and capable of meeting the challenges of a fully electrified future.