Versant Power’s Osprey Camera is back for its third season!

Lamoine, ME- An osprey pair that nests in Lamoine each spring has returned to its nest platform, created by Versant Power to deter the birds from nesting near power lines, for a third year. Versant crews installed a live-streaming solar powered camera on the platform that is available for public viewing 24/7 at
“We heard from customers last year that the camera could be better positioned to see more of the nest,” said Logan MacDonald, Environmental Supervisor at Versant Power. “The line department helped us reposition the camera this year from higher up so everyone can enjoy watching the ospreys build up their nest, see their chicks hatch, be fed, and grow.”Around coastal areas like Lamoine, ospreys tend to build nests at the top of utility poles, which presents a danger to the birds while raising safety concerns and risk of electrical service disruptions. In response to a nest near power lines catching fire in August of 2020, Versant employees designed and built an alternate nesting platform to protect the birds, the environment, and the public.
Ospreys generally lay their eggs in May, their chicks hatch in June, and they migrate south in August and September. For more information about the osprey camera as well as fun facts about ospreys, please visit
Ospreys are federally protected birds under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act and Versant Power worked closely with the Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife on this project. The intent of the osprey camera is solely to allow the public to observe the birds and Versant Power does not intervene in the natural processes of osprey nesting.